GTA For 4SSPP114 - The World Economy And Its History

Job Description

Graduate Teaching Assistant in the School of Politics & Economics

Your Module Convenor will be your Line Manager, if you have any queries or questions, please make your enquiry with them first. If you have any other query regarding your employment, please email



- Delivery of agreed package of teaching activities to a high standard, under the direct supervision of a member of academic staff. These activities may include seminars, classes, tutorials, lab sessions, other small group work to develop student skills, demonstration for experiments/techniques in lab-based science and computing, and/or mentoring support for UG or PGT project work. Students will not normally be involved in lecturing, but in some cases may be asked to lead lectures if the topic falls within their specialist field.

- Participation in appropriate training including mandatory courses/sessions (e.g., courses, induction sessions.)

- Careful and proportionate preparation for teaching activities. In some instances, materials will be provided by departments/ faculties.

- Marking and assessment (formative and summative) under supervision of module leaders or other appropriate academic staff.

- Provision of timely and useful formative and summative feedback to students, holding weekly office hours or similar to provide students with opportunities for face-to-face meetings, and providing feedback and guidance via e-mail where needed.

- Maintenance of information and resources on KEATS and interaction with students via the VLE.

- Attendance at lectures where needed/requested to ensure consistency of module delivery.

- Routine administration and correspondence associated with teaching delivery.

- Liaison with senior colleagues regarding contributions to module development (e.g. course material, content development), planning of teaching and monitoring student progress.


GTA framework tariff of activities: 


Variation will exist across academic departments and disciplines in relation to specific requirements of GTAs. Roles and responsibilities may also be subject to change.  If you are required to complete additional marking, these hours will be added to your assignment and your hours and contract length will be changed accordingly with your agreement after you have started.


GTAs will not be expected to:

- Lead lectures, unless they have accepted to do so on a very occasional basis, in their specialist field

- Provide pastoral support to students or act as a personal tutor

- Be involved in Open Days or admissions activities - Provide students with references

- Set assessments

- Be available to students at all times

- Carry out unremunerated additional work on an ad hoc basis Mandatory training All mandatory training (specific to the delivery of teaching, rather than generic training which all PhD students should already be undertaking as part of their studies) will be remunerated. Under the new model, all GTAs will receive 6 hours of remunerated training for every academic year in which they teach at King's, regardless of whether they have taught before or not. It is envisaged that this would constitute 6 hours of jointly delivered training with King's Academy and academic departments. Some faculties may decide that they wish to include more mandatory training and to pay their GTAs for this. It is also up to departments and faculties to work with King's Academy to decide what constitutes mandatory training, which element of this can be delivered online, and what constitutes professional development training for all PGRs. You should be informed by your GTA Lead ( about mandatory training. You can also visit the King's Academy GTA Development page ( for more information, resources and additional workshops that are available to you as a GTA.


Essential qualifications

1. A first degree in a relevant subject area (or have equivalent experience).

2. Currently studying towards a PhD in a relevant subject area (or have equivalent experience)


1. Experience of adapting own skills to new circumstances - essential

2. A good understanding of the HE sector - desirable

Personal characteristics / other requirements

1. Ability to self-reflect on teaching design and delivery and act on feedback for future improvements - essential

2. Ability to work as part of a team - essential

3. Ability to motivate high performance in others ? desirable

Role specific requirements

1. Ability and willingness to engage in relevant departmental training and introductory pastoral support training - essential

2. Keep abreast of current literature in subject areas being taught - essential


Volunteer participant to assist second-year medical students during living anatomy tutorials. The participant would be required to lie on an examination table and act as a subject to be imaged using ultrasound. The session focuses on imaging of the abdomen, specifically the liver and kidneys, so the participant would need to be comfortable to expose these regions.


No qualifications are required.


No experience or skills are required. The participant would only be required to lie on an examination table.

Mentor for InReach undergraduate students


Batchelors degree or equivalent


Understand need to increase diversity in science.

Be an MPhil/ PhD student.

We are looking for a researcher to join us on a flexible basis to assist with our project ?Exploring the longer-term career progression of researchers in the university environment?. This project is funded by Research England.   

The project aim is to uncover the hidden long-term roles in research and adjacent areas, including teaching-focused and professional services roles, open to those who start as researchers in Higher Education (HE) and the reasons people select these career paths. As well as conduct research on the prevalence of these career paths, through qualitative interviews and surveys, we will use the results to also create an online web resource showcasing career profiles. The project will explore:  

  • The wealth and variety of roles in research, research support, and education available in HE to those with a research background and what these roles might offer in contrast to the classical lecturer options.  
  • How the skills and experiences of research staff make them eminently employable long-term in a variety of roles.  
  • How far discrimination or related factors affect the choices made against the classical lecturer path to provide further resources for specific groups  
  • Celebrate the value of roles in HE beyond the classical lecturer path.  

We are looking for a researcher(s) who can conduct qualitative and quantitative research for this project and contribute to the development of the resource for King's research staff and the wider King's community. Specific responsibilities cover:  

  • Conduct qualitative interviews of participants mainly in the faculties of Arts & Humanities and Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Sciences willing to share their career journey, and complete follow-up transcription and analyses. 
  • Complete quantitative and qualitative research on project-relevant data, employing methods used to analyse data in the social sciences.  
  • Support the advertising and recruitment of participants, liaising with faculty contacts and other stakeholders as required.  
  • Develop necessary documents for the project and develop reports on completed analyses.  
  • Creating the online web resource for showcasing career profiles, including collaborating with participants to prepare profiles.  
  • Contributing to academic publications where appropriate and relevant.  

​The post is located within the Centre for Research Staff Development, where you would work in a small team, reporting to the team's Research Staff Development & Engagement Consultant, Dr Natasha Rhys.   

This post is offered on an hourly basis and is flexible. All candidates for the post should outline in their application the number of hours per week they would wish to work. The post duration is dependent on the number of hours/days worked, with up to 500 hours available. We will also consider job sharing. 

If you have any questions about the post and the project, please email Dr Natasha Rhys (Research Staff Development & Engagement Consultant) via  


Please note that this is a PhD level role but candidates who have submitted their thesis and are awaiting the award of their PhDs will be considered. In these circumstances, the appointment will be made at Grade 5, spine point 30 with the title of Research Assistant. Upon confirmation of the award of the PhD, the job title will become Research Associate and the salary will increase to Grade 6.


Significant experience at PhD and/or post-PhD level in the social sciences or another relevant subject is preferred. 


Skills & Attributes 

  • Experience in conducting qualitative research interviews. 
  • Application of both qualitative and quantitative research methods, specifically those applied in social research, data management, and statistics. 
  • Strong interpersonal skills, both orally and in writing. 
  • Excellent and concise writing skills. 
  • Ability to review documentation and clearly articulate salient points to different audiences. 
  • Confidence and ability to work flexibly. 
  • Ability to work independently where needed. 


  • ​Experience of the research environment, e.g. holding a PhD or otherwise working in research or related field.