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Invigilator For Portuguese Oral Exams


Job Description

The invigilator is responsible for maintaining discipline and good order during the oral exam preparation.

They are required to ensure that bags etc are deposited alongside a wall, or at another place far away enough for students to take out any potential aid. Furthermore, they will need to ensure that candidates do not bring to the desk any notes, books or any other aid, except a pen to take notes. The invigilator also ensures that electronic devices are put away and that mobile phones are only used to check the time. Ten minutes before the end of the assessment, the invigilator should announce the time remaining to the candidates and at the end of the preparation time, the invigilator should instruct candidates to cease writing and go to the exam room.

The invigilator reports to the Language Director who will be in touch before the exam date.


Doctoral candidate


  • Excellent organisational skills

  • Excellent communication skills




Current King's UG student 



In this role you will be working on a project writing a toolkit on gender quotas, reserved seating and other mechanisms to introduce more women into parliaments for an international parliamentary organisation.

It will involve:

  • exploring and summarising existing academic literature, reports and findings from other international institutions and evidence on gender quotas and other equality mechanisms;
  • making simple graphs and charts using publicly available data to show the impact of quotas;
  • finding evidence and experiences of MPs from countries where quotas and other mechanisms have been introduced on how they came about, and difficulties with them; and writing up findings into a report and toolkit aimed at a non-academic audience.


There is a total of 105 hours of work available for this role.




Masters degree in Public Policy, Politics or a similar subject




  • Experience of conducting a literature review.
  • Experience writing for non-academic audiences.
  • Understanding of parliamentary systems.
  • Ability to making charts on Excel.
  • Ability to use Word.
  • Ability to write to speed.



  • Experience conducting elite interviews.
  • Understanding of gender equality mechanisms.


Daily diary and reflection of data dive 
Write summaries for evaluation wrap up report and collate slides 
Other tasks as required by Interim Director of CUSP


Experience working with CUSP London, Data Dive events we hold, teaching experience and confident use of:

analytics, R, Python & QGIS.


Experience working with CUSP London, Data Dive events we hold, teaching experience and confident use of:

analytics, R, Python & QGIS.