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Research Assistant -Data Cleaning


Job Description

The Policy Institute is looking for a research assistant to work with Professor Duffy at the Policy Institute on a project analysing longitudinal survey datasets to study the evolution of attitudes and values for generations in the UK and worldwide. The project will involve two main tasks, which are expected to last for a total of 10 days, listed below:

Task 1: Longitudinal data cleaning and data visualisation

We want to update a PowerPoint resource pack consisting of c.100 charts using data from sources including Ipsos, Eurostat, the US General Social Survey, the British Social Attitudes, the European Social Survey and more. The research assistant will work with the Policy Institute team updating existing code (currently available in R/Stata) to extend longitudinal series, produce results breakdowns by cohorts/generations and update the charts sourcing using the most recent data points for these studies. 


Task 2: Investigating the divergence between Gen Z men and women 

We would like to produce a new set of c.40 charts, taken from the larger resource pack from Task 1 that split Gen Z men and women over time, on a smaller selection of questions and data sources, where sample size allows. The research assistant will work with the Policy Institute researchers to identify topics and data sources to carry out this task, and then produce a set of visualisations and statistical models to identify any statistically significant differences between Gen Z gender groups. 


The post is available on a fixed term basis. The research assistant will be able to organise their working hours and patterns with flexibility, but we are aiming to complete work on both tasks by 28th February 2025. 



Essential skills: Enrolled in a Bachelor?s degree in a relevant social science discipline (e.g. politics, economics, social sciences, geography, etc.).

Desirable: Enrolled in a postgraduate (eg. MSc/MA/PhD) degree in a relevant social science discipline (e.g. politics, economics, social sciences, geography, etc.).


Essential skills: Knowledge of quantitative research methods. Experience using statistical software including R, Stata and/or SPSS. Experience using PowerPoint. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Punctual, reliable, committed, proactive. Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Desirable skills: Experience with the analysis of longitudinal survey data. Experience producing charts using Excel and Powerpoint. Interest in public opinion and public attitudes research. Interest in generations research. 




Current King's UG student 



In this role you will be working on a project writing a toolkit on gender quotas, reserved seating and other mechanisms to introduce more women into parliaments for an international parliamentary organisation.

It will involve:

  • exploring and summarising existing academic literature, reports and findings from other international institutions and evidence on gender quotas and other equality mechanisms;
  • making simple graphs and charts using publicly available data to show the impact of quotas;
  • finding evidence and experiences of MPs from countries where quotas and other mechanisms have been introduced on how they came about, and difficulties with them; and writing up findings into a report and toolkit aimed at a non-academic audience.


There is a total of 105 hours of work available for this role.




Masters degree in Public Policy, Politics or a similar subject




  • Experience of conducting a literature review.
  • Experience writing for non-academic audiences.
  • Understanding of parliamentary systems.
  • Ability to making charts on Excel.
  • Ability to use Word.
  • Ability to write to speed.



  • Experience conducting elite interviews.
  • Understanding of gender equality mechanisms.


Daily diary and reflection of data dive 
Write summaries for evaluation wrap up report and collate slides 
Other tasks as required by Interim Director of CUSP


Experience working with CUSP London, Data Dive events we hold, teaching experience and confident use of:

analytics, R, Python & QGIS.


Experience working with CUSP London, Data Dive events we hold, teaching experience and confident use of:

analytics, R, Python & QGIS.