TASK Student Partner

Job Description

We particularly welcome applications from students who are underrepresented and/or identify as belonging to a marginalised group. We also welcome postgraduate students who are currently studying for or have previously undertaken a Masters-level qualification at King's to consider applying so that we can look the postgraduate taught experience of assessments. 

Please note: these roles are being offered assuming we will recruit 9 students working up to two days a week for a period of around 6 months. However, there is a lot of flexibility within this to do fewer hours over a longer period, or to share the role with another student. Please indicate on your expression of interest how you would ideally like to work your hours so that they fit in with your current commitment and, if applicable, visa requirements. 

TASK (Transforming Assessment for Students at King's) aims to embed a new assessment and feedback framework that promotes assessment for learning and takes a programmatic approach to assessment design and decision-making. It seeks to reduce the assessment workload for staff and students and create a stronger sense of fairness and greater cohesion across assessments.  By involving students, we can ensure planned changes to assessment will positively impact the student experience of assessment by taking a more holistic view of students' assessment journeys across programmes. 

The TASK Student Assessment & Feedback Partner is a newly created role in support of these aims. We are looking to recruit around nine students to work with each of the nine faculties and the Centre for International Education Languages and Languages as they begin to review and plan for assessment changes in light of the new assessment framework. 

Please see our 'Student Guidance' for further information on this role.

The roles are likely to be highly contextualised to the needs of the faculty but an indication of the kind of work you might be involved in includes:

  • Working with faculties to check assessment data (e.g. number of assessments, type of assessment, word counts, feedback turnaround times) for accuracy against different systems to ensure we have a complete view of students' summative (formally assessed) assessments (which will also aid in accurately communicating assessments to students).
  • Analysing and reviewing data on current assessment & feedback practices, helping identify both smaller module level changes and then consider the broader programme-level approach to assessment. 
  • Gathering additional data where there are gaps in existing data, including working with students currently enrolled on modules and programmes within the faculty. 
  • Producing assessment maps to create a visual representation of students' assessment journey across a programme (tools and training provided).
  • Working with staff to identify and agree assessment priorities and where changes are most needed and facilitating discussions with current students taking those programmes / modules. 
  • Presenting findings to other staff in the faculty/departments in an accessible, relevant and positive way that helps others to engage in the process of making change. 
  • Co-facilitating staff / student workshops to share learnings, engage a wider group of students in TASK work within faculties/departments and to encourage open dialogue and co-creation of assessment and feedback solutions. 
  • Identifying, planning and designing student communications and other student engagement activities, utilising existing student networks and representation structures.
  • Working with staff to plan a handover period and documentation so that work can continue in partnership with students beyond the lifecycle of this role e.g., how student reps can be empowered and engaged in the follow-up work. 
  • Designing training / resources / sessions for students and staff including a session for incoming student reps to share your findings and increase knowledge of TASK.

In addition, we see a key element of this role as sharing learning with other TASK Student Assessment & Feedback Partners and with the wider TASK project group (comprised of staff from across the institution often with leadership roles in assessment or education) to reflect on progress and learning across faculties, and to ensure faculties are well-supported in their planning. Student Partners will be invited to join the Assessment Strategy Implementation Board. 

You will also be supported by King's Academy and the Education Executive at King's to get involved in other opportunities relating to assessment & feedback at King?s, such as:

  • Evaluating the pilot of a new digital assessment platform (CADMUS) e.g. qualitative interviews with students involved in the pilot. 
  • Input into other assessment & feedback projects that arise (e.g., to be a reviewer for the College Teaching Fund TASK projects)
  • Co-creation of or feedback on assessment resources for a new Student Assessment Hub (name TBD). 
  • Opportunities to share what we are doing more widely e.g., via student panels, conferences and, potentially, writing up our approach to working in partnership with students for publication and presenting to relevant committees e.g. the TASK Project Board and the Assessment Strategy Implementation Committee.
  • Shadowing/supporting King?s Academy support for Programme Leads, led by Dr Jayne Pearson.

If you would like to discuss this role, please reach out to Abbie King (abbie.king@kcl.ac.uk) for a friendly, informal chat. 


Please also indicate in your personal statement how you demonstrate these criteria:

  • Essential: Current King's College London student (undergraduate, postgraduate taught or postgraduate research) or recently graduates from King?s College London (within the past year).
  • Essential: Disciplinary knowledge of the faculty with whom you will be working (this is demonstrated but either being enrolled on a programme of study within that faculty for at least 10 months or having previously studied within that faculty/discipline).


Please provide a short personal statement detailing your interest in the role, the faculty you would like to work with ad how you meet the experience and skills required. The skills and experiences we are asking you to demonstrate should fit students with a wide range of experiences and we actively encourage applications from students who are underrepresented and/or identify as belonging to a marginalised group. We will provide training and support for you to confidently tackle this role and develop within it. 

Our 'Student Guidance' has some info on how to apply these requirements to your own expreiences. 

  • Interest in working with others to improve assessment, feedback and learning outcomes for students. 
  • Interest in inclusive educational practices.
  • Ability to communicate with a wide range of individuals & build positive relationships with stakeholders. 
  • Ability to understand and facilitate between different perspectives and viewpoints as a way of guiding others towards decisions. 
  • Some experience working with data which might include gathering, analysing or interpreting data in a way that enables others to prioritise decisions and identify potential changes.

As previously appointed via interviews. 


As previously appointed via interviews. 


As previously appointed via interviews. 

The Arts and Humanities team will be running a Code of Conduct workshop over the summer.

We are looking for 2 enthusiastic UG Reps and 2 enthusiastic PG Reps to take part in a workshop discussing clear guidelines for acceptable behaviour within the Faculty that promote a culture of respect, integrity and professionalism. 

You will need to be confident to actively engage in discussion with staff from the Arts and Humanities Faculty.

The workshop will take place in person on the 19th June between 11am - 1pm on Strand Campus. 

You will be paid for your time (£14ph) and will need an account set up on TalentBank.

If you are interested please apply using this form and we will be in touch shortly to let you know if you are successful. Please note, should this form receive a high volume of applications, it will close early. 

Application deadline - 7th June 2024


Thank you,

A&H Student Experience




You will need to be confident to actively engage in discussion with staff from the Arts and Humanities Faculty.

The successful candidate will review a set of lecture notes and slides designed for an undergraduate mathematics course. The course covers fundamental topics such as basic mathematical functions, trigonometry, differentiation, integration, and introductory probability theory and inference.

The candidate?s primary responsibility will be to help to bridge the gap between mathematics and the natural sciences by relating the mathematical content to examples from the sciences and by linking the mathematical formalism to conventions (mathematical notation  etc.) more commonly used in scientific disciplines. There will also be the opportunity to work with staff in the maths department on the formatting and presentation of content and on the design of assessments. 


Undergraduate level or higher degree in a mathematical science (Engineering or Physics preferred)

  • A good understanding of the mathematics required for undergraduate science programmes is essential.
  • Experience of delivering undergraduate level mathematics tuition is desirable.
  • Experience of supporting preparation of teaching materials for undergraduate mathematics teaching is desirable.