Event Assistant STRAND CAMPUS On Campus Open Day

Job Description

We are looking for Event Assistants to provide support at our On-Campus Undergraduate Open Day event on Saturday 7 September 2024 where prospective students will experience King's and discover their study options.   
There are a number of jobs required for this event. It includes:  

  • Accommodation Tour Guide 
  • Admissions Assistant 
  • Gym Tour Assistant (take visitors from Bush House to Strand gym) 
  • HQ Assistant 
  • Information Point Assistant 
  • Open Day Steward 
  • Registration Assistant 
  • Room Assistant

The majority of the above roles will be working from 09:00 with the exception of HQ and Registration Assistants who will need to start at 08:00. All roles include a 1 hour unpaid lunch break and lunch vouchers will be provided.
In order to fulfil the requirements for this role, you will be required to watch a short briefing video which will be sent to you upon allocation. Unfortunately, we cannot pay you for this time. 

For any queries relating to this role, please contact the Open Day Team at openday@kcl.ac.uk 






Ad copy. For Tori Taylor only.


Ad copy. For Tori Taylor only.


Ad copy. For Tori Taylor only.

SUPERFLUX will lead a conversation around the vision for the creative design process, and it would be great to include your personal and organisational contributions. See below for a brief outline of the work.


Cascade Inquiry: vision

The ambition is to make the Strand installation very detailed and immersive in its fidelity, transporting passers-by into a fantastical yet scientifically plausible alternate future. Two screens on either side will provide evocative glimpses of the Strand set in an alternate future where culture and nature are no longer separated, and recognisable landmarks have harmoniously adapted to the altered climate in astonishing and otherworldly ways. These radical future visions of ecological abundance are inspired by Superflux’s climate futures research inquiry with insights from King’s academics, students, policymakers and predictive data from Greater London Authority.

Two screens will feature animated scenes of rewilded landscapes, carbon neutral bio-architecture and flourishing water bodies, created using generative AI tools and Unreal Engine. The large window in the middle will have a dynamic and eye-catching graphic 2D treatment with the potential to play with optical illusions offering varying views into the speculative world. There will also feature open questions and inspiring quotes from researchers, neighbouring cultural organisations and wider communities that speak of transformative adaptation and ecological flourishing. These interactive elements and poignant words will encourage viewers to pause, reflect, and take photographs.

The vision is to move beyond conventional limits, opening up a portal into a hopeful future that will seed and catalyse people's imaginations. Foregrounding ecological principles of human and nature interdependence, the installation will communicate a sense of harmony and resilience. 





Worked with King's Culture before.