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Student Advisory Board Member


Job Description

At King?s Careers & Employability, we are committed to delivering the best possible service for our students and users. To enable us to do this successfully, we put student and user feedback at the heart of our decision-making process.

Do you think you could provide meaningful feedback? Do you want to gain valuable experience and enhance your skills while making a difference?

If yes, apply to join our Student Advisory Board!

This is a unique and exciting opportunity open to all students and users at King?s (including Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and PhD)


What is a Student Advisory Board?

A Student Advisory Board (SAB) is an independent team of students who will work closely with Careers & Employability (KC&E) staff to review our services and suggest ways we can do things better.

SAB members will carry out a range of different activities, such as looking at policies and operational delivery plans, reviewing our systems and events, and speaking to other students.

The Board will meet semi-regularly and have the opportunity to contribute outside of the meetings.

As a Student Advisory Board Member, your role will be to co-create KC&E-related student experience projects and initiatives. You will also be responsible for reviewing aspects of the KC&E offering and providing feedback.



Being a part of our SAB is a great opportunity for you to make a real impact for all King?s students in their Careers journeys. It is also a great opportunity for you to learn new skills and meet interesting people.

In addition to the high-quality training you will receive in governance and board management, you will also receive:-

  • Payment of ?13.92 an hour, for agreed contracted work (approximately 5 hours per term)
  • Mentoring with a KC&E Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member to support you in your role within the SAB;
  • Exclusive access to the Careers360 Award, reflected on your HEAR, to help you reflect on the skills you gain.


Summary of role

Main tasks:

1. Representing students:

  • Provide student opinion and perspectives to shape the ongoing development of relevant KC&E services.
  • Engage with and scrutinise relevant policies, procedures and operational delivery plans developed by the Senior Leadership Team and KC&E staff.
  • Giving approval or feedback on project proposals.

2. Delivering activities:

  • Support the development and delivery of relevant projects led by KC&E.
  • Create and lead initiatives and activities that promote the work of KC&E across the wider student community.
  • Develop a network of students who want to work on projects across KC&E, providing opportunities for these students to meet and learn from each other.
  • Raise awareness of KC&E-related services, projects, offers and initiatives, and submit ideas for new initiatives.

3. Feedback:

  • Attending focus groups as participants as well as facilitators, to provide and obtain feedback on various topics.
  • Gathering and making sense of student feedback, to identify gaps, needs and priority areas.
  • ?Mystery shopping? and product testing, where required.

4. Working with students:

  • Collaborate with students across the wider King?s student community on work relevant to the SAB.
  • Facilitate networking events and be involved in the onboarding process for the following year?s SAB.

The above list of responsibilities may not be exhaustive, and SAB Members will be required to undertake such tasks and responsibilities as may reasonably be expected within the scope of the post. 


The SAB will be made up of ten board members from the following faculties and cohorts:-

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Law
  • Nursing & Midwifery, and Palliative Care / Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
  • King?s Business School
  • Life Sciences & Medicine
  • Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • Natural & Mathematical Sciences
  • Social Sciences & Public Policy
  • Postgraduate Research
  • Careers+

Three spaces will be reserved for PGT students.

We encourage applications from all backgrounds and communities; and from domestic, EU and international students alike. We are committed to having a team who is made up of diverse skills, experiences, and abilities.


Key dates

You will be expected to attend the following meeting dates, either in person or virtually. Each meeting will last between 60 and 90 minutes and will typically be conducted in person (usually at Strand Campus).

  • Tuesday 19th August 2024 - Interviews
  • Tuesday 3rd September 2024 ? Training session
  • Wednesday 11th September 2024, 2pm ? First Meeting
  • Wednesday 11th December 2024, 2pm ? Second meeting
  • Wednesday 12th March 2025, 2pm ? Third meeting
  • w/c 9th June 2025 (tbd) ? Final meeting, followed by Celebration event.

Further meetings will be organised at the discretion of the SAB, and as required by KC&E activities.





How to apply?

In your cover letter, please copy the questions below and include your answers: 

  1. What course are you currently studying (or include area of research for PhD/Researchers)? 
  2. What attracted you to apply for this role? (max 150 words)
  3. Demonstrating knowledge and interest about the work of King?s Careers and Employability is essential. Referring to our KEATS site, identify one resource you have used or would like to use, describing the impact it has had or could have on you (max 200 words).
  4. We want our SAB to represent the diverse nature of King?s College London. What do you think you could contribute to the SAB, thinking about your personal life, background, hobbies and lived experience? (max 200 words). 
  5. You'll be asked to engage in discussions about a range of issues as part of the SAB. What would you like to gain from these discussions, on a personal and professional level? How do you think these will contribute to the bigger picture (of the SAB)? (max 200 words).

Applications for this role will close on Sunday 4th August at 11:59pm. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 20th August on MS Teams. 

If you have any questions about the role, please email


Helping with the animations for our intervention


Degree in psychology


Experince with drawing to a voice over



Current King's UG student 



We are hiring two student Research Assistants (RAs) to work on a project to improve an existing dataset of UK Impact Assessments (UKIAs). The role involves:


  • Cleaning an existing, scraped dataset
  • Collecting and merging additional data on relevant SpAds and responsible ministers (sources identified)



Produce a clean, comprehensive Excel dataset of UKIAs that includes details on responsible ministers and SpAds.



An Excel spreadsheet with the final dataset.




  • Remote work possible
  • C.a. 5?15 hours per week
  • Total 100 hours between both RAs


No special qualifications required. Open to both undergraduate and graduate applicants.



-      Proficient in MS Excel.




  • Experience with data cleaning, manipulation, or dataset creation.
  • Familiarity with Python is useful, but not required.
  • Interest in UK policymaking and/or evidence-based policymaking.
  • Aspiration toward a research-oriented career (e.g., pursuing a PhD) is an asset.